Monday, July 30, 2012


First off, Turkey lost my wedding ring.  I left in on the counter for an hour or so and he found it then promptly lost it.  I asked what had happened to it and he said, "It  magically disappeared."  I'm sure one day this will be funny, but at the moment, I am PISSED OFF!  I don't understand why they do the things they do.  We went to Whole Foods today to get some body wash and shampoo for them.  The entire time we were there, they were touching things, pushing each other, running down the aisles, knocking into people and at one point, the sales lady came up to me and said, "Ummmm..." I look up and the boys have pushed every single item on the shelf  to the very BACK of the shelf.  I just needed to get 2 things.  We were there for 45 minutes because every time I started to read a label, they were misbehaving.  So, I had to stop and corral them back over to my area.  I was so distracted and angry and upset by the time we left, that I don't think I even bought what I needed to buy.  And to top it off, before we left the house, I asked if anyone needed to go to the bathroom and if so to please do it now.  I got a NO, from everyone.  As soon as we walk in there, I see dancing feet...of course Turkey has to go to the bathroom and then proceeds to lock himself in the stall.  I swear, sometimes I feel like I have raised wild animals.  They are rude and disrespectful.  They don't listen to a word that comes out of my mouth, nice or not nice, and it infuriates me to my very core.  My stress level is very high.  I feel like at any moment I am going to have a heart attack or stroke because of the way the boys are making me feel.  I have a physical on Wednesday morning.  I'll be very surprised if she doesn't tell me that my blood pressure is high.  I don't know how much more my body can take.  I tell my husband about the things that they do, but it doesn't matter.  I feel lost and alone and in constant state of anger or unhappiness.  I really don't like my boys right now.  How does everyone do it?  How do you teach your child manners and respect for others?  I'm obviously failing as a Mom, because they completely ignore me and are blatantly disrespectful.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  That's all I want to do...scream and cry.  I hope your day is better than mine.


  1. You're a great mom, silly woman! You're just having a 'moment,' or a few of them :) Hang in there!!!

  2. Thanks Therese! I'm trying. :/

  3. You are singing my song for sure. I can't even count the number of times I have said those same things. Its really, really hard to see the forest for the trees when we're in the thick of it. Just keep in mind its the war, not the battles, that matters in the end. Gee, how many more metaphors could I cram in this comment? ;-) I very, very rarely take the kids to run errands by myself. Its just been much too stressful for me in the past so I avoid it as much as possible. And I usually resort to threats or bribes (naps and treats or toys) when I do have to take them. Pretty sure that's not included in any list of positive parenting strategies published anywhere. And the kids have also lost my wedding ring once...I found it in the silverware compartment of the dishwasher. After I had run it!

  4. I found my ring! It was under the sofa.

  5. Oh, Joanie - I am so sorry you are so stressed and the boys seem to be taking advantage of that. It is just a phase I'm sure. No way are you failing as a mom. You care because you are a good mom. The boys are testing you, its summer, a hard age with you having your youngest being mobile and into everything now I'm sure and still trying to maintain a household with the older two. I honestly don't know how you do it with three...I struggle with TWO! Hang in will make it through this. And, I'm glad you found your ring. :) ((hugs))

  6. Oh honey. That just sounds terrible. I can't imagine. I am sorry I don't have any words of wisdom or advice on teaching children how to act right when they are simply out of control. All I can offer is a sympathetic ear over a glass of wine any time.

  7. Thanks Brandy. It's just been a really rough few weeks. I guess it's because it's summer. I don't know...

  8. Amber, I will probably take you up on that!

  9. Hang in there Joanie! You see them at their worst, but it doesn't mean you aren't doing a great job as their mom.
    I wouldn't worry about their behavior in the store either, every mom has those outings, whether they admit to it or not :) Everything is cyclical, and this will die down a bit and be more bearable- or school will start!

  10. @TheBossLady, I can't wait for school to start! :)


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